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MOON POWER is an innovative subsidiary of Porsche Holding Salzburg that develops EV charging solutions for Volkswagen Group Singapore customers.

Our vision is a sustainable future!

Are you ready to get started with e-mobility?

About MOON

Is there a more beautiful symbol than the moon?

Establishing a CO2-Free Infrastructure at Porsche

In response to the Paris Climate Agreement of December 12, 2015, which aimed to limit global warming to below two degrees Celsius, Porsche Holding initiated the development of a "CO2-free infrastructure business field." Wilfried Weitgasser, Managing Director of Porsche Austria, recognised the potential of the electromobility sector and appointed Robert Steinböck to lead this new department. Allmobil GmbH, a Porsche Holding subsidiary, became the innovation and strategy centre for this initiative. Under Weitgasser's leadership, "Allmobil Electra" focused on sustainability and climate protection through energy efficiency. The company addressed the need for sustainable mobility and energy sectors by developing intelligent energy management systems, including electric vehicle charging stations, photovoltaic arrays, and battery storage solutions.

MOON POWER: Evolution and Expansion

The roots of Porsche and MOON POWER GmbH trace back to Ferdinand Porsche's invention of the wheel hub motor in 1898. This innovation later inspired the design of the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) for the moon. In 2018, Allmobil GmbH rebranded its offerings under the name MOON POWER, symbolising its commitment to electromobility.

MOON POWER GmbH Formation and Growth

To independently manage comprehensive energy solutions, MOON POWER GmbH was established in Salzburg in October 2021 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Porsche Holding Salzburg, starting with 23 employees. Even before its official founding, MOON POWER's potential was recognised across Europe, leading to the establishment of franchise companies in various countries since 2019.

MOON POWER's Current Reach

Today, MOON POWER operates in 23 countries worldwide, including Austria, Germany, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Chile, France, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Malaysia, and Singapore.

MOON charging solutions

Revolutionising power

Looking for the right way to charge your electric car?

Discover the perfect charging solution tailored to your needs with MOON expertise and cutting-edge technology.

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